
On their debut album „Zeitgeber“ electronic pioneers Zeus B. Held and Steve Schroyder aka „Dream Control“ celebrate their very own sound and rhythm in a cosmic journey through audio and time, structured in ten compositions and improvisations. Various tracks are enhanced by the voices of Anne Zeides and Tami Williams as well as the overtone and throat singing of Kolja Simon und Felix Mönnich aka AlienVoices.
As with all Panetware Records releases the music of Dream Control is based on chosen planetary or molecular tunings, which differ from the usual concert pitch.
CD in highquality digipack with 16 pages booklet
Min. | bpm tempo | Hz tuning
1. Eyes And Ears
5:24 | 127.6 EarthYear | 221.23 Venus
2. Time Out
7:01 | 132.4 Merkur | 172.07 Plat.Year
3. Go Forward ...
3:56 | 69 Saturn | 221.23 Venus
4. To Tomoro
4:53 | 138 Saturn | 221.23 Venus
5. Frozen Boumme
9:12 | 127.6 EarthYear | 147.85 Saturn
6. Kant Can Dance
5:29 | 135 Mars | 128.7 THC-4
7. Doors Of Perception
14:20 | 99 Neptune | 147.85 Saturn
8. Tomaga
5:49 | 138 Saturn | 221.23 Venus
9. Gamma Ray
5:15 | 127.6 EarthYear | 163.6 LSD-1
9. Blick Aus Meinem Fenster
16:23 | 138 Saturn | 207.36 Uranus
Total 77:43 Min.
(bpm = beats per minute; Hz. = Hertz)
For informations in detail about tuning data please click here.
"Kant Can Dance"
Youtube 4:35 min.