Blue Violin
The violinist BEATE "BABY BLUE" and the pianist MICHAEL SAMAY
joined on January 27, 1999, to found BLUE VIOLIN.
The two are a popular LIVE-duo, their repertory covering all styles of occidental and Latin-American music from classic to pop. They fired up their audience in well-estab-lished locations in their hometown Munich, as well as abroad (Vienna, Zurich, New York). Also they played on broadcasting shows of the German radio and TV (Bayerischer Rund-funk and ZDF).
Beate Baby Blue studied the violin in Dresden and subsequently was engaged at the Philharmonic Orchestra in Halle for two years. After her flight to West Germany in 1989 she broke new ground making her mark in a variety of musical styles and was promoted as a soloist much in demand. With her brilliant technique and her surpassing magic of sound she is the spirit of Blue Violin.
After his classic style piano training Michael Samay mainly played in various bands with artists from Africa, Latin-America, and the USA. Highlights were concerts in New York (UNO) and other American cities as well as recordings in various studios in Los Angeles. His musical intuition makes him the ideal counterpart of Beate's "Baby Blue" violin.
In winter of 2004/2005 they started working on the joint music project STAR SOUNDS ORCHESTRA featuring BLUE VIOLIN and spent a lot of time in the studio in the following year dressing up a couple of Mozart's compositions in a new musical style. In between they tested their combination of classic music, modern beats, and electronic music in various live gigs - and it proved a hugh success on dance floors. The MCD LET'S MOZART will be released on January 27, 2006, seven years after the foundation of BLUE VIOLIN - and is there a better date for it - on Mozart's 250th birthday.